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发表于 2018-7-3 14:50:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
社会上的人看到这个消息并且被那些造成当地社区的致命飓风的巨大力量和破坏所掩盖,这当然并不罕见。然而,一旦新闻报道停止报道飓风,该国大部分人口恢复到正常生活,并且完全不了解风暴带来的破坏性经济影响,这些耸人听闻的新闻报道通常不会涵盖。 2012年,飓风桑迪开始远离美国东海岸的纽约市。飓风桑迪绝不是普通的飓风。经过一段时间,很少有人预见到,桑迪撞上了纽约市,风暴摧毁了这个城市,造成了混乱和破坏。桑迪造成了许多人员伤亡,许多生活在淹没区的人被迫撤离。此外,飓风造成无数家庭丧生,以及电力/电力,医疗保健,教育和交通损失;以及数十亿美元和大量时间来修复广泛的损害成为当务之急。这场灾难性的悲剧对于研究和记忆很重要,因为它让许多人处于恶劣的生活条件和经济上受损的纽约市,这是一个广泛而持久的问题。自然灾害的重要性以及美国社会需要记住的灾难性事件的影响将提醒人们,破坏是非常真实的,我们作为一个社会需要站在一起,不要忘记帮助其他受这些难题的人的重要性条件。

It certainly is not uncommon for people in society to watch the news and become enraptured by the sheer force and devastation of deadly hurricanes that inflict upon local communities. However, as soon as the news coverage stops addressing the hurricane, the majority of the country’s population returns to their normal lives and is entirely unaware of the devastating economic effects of the storm, which sensational news stories often do not cover. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy began far from New York City on the eastern coast of the United States. Hurricane Sandy was by no means an ordinary hurricane. After a short amount of time that few foresaw, Sandy hit New York City, and the storm devastated the city with chaos and destruction. Sandy caused many deaths and injuries, and many people who were living in inundation zones were forced to evacuate. Moreover, the hurricane caused numerous homes to be lost, as well as loss of power/electricity, healthcare, education, and transportation; as well, billions of dollars and much time to repair the extensive damage became an immediate necessity. This catastrophic tragedy is important to study and remember because it left many people in poor living conditions and economically damaged New York City, which was extensive and long-lasting. The importance of natural disasters and the impact of their devastating events that American society needs to remember will remind people that destruction is very real, and we as a society need to stand together and not easily forget the importance of helping others who suffer under these unavoidable conditions.
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